discuss the function of parliament
Some of the major functions of the parliament are as follows: 1. Legislative Functions -First and foremost of the functions of the parliament is to make laws for the smooth running of affairs in the country on all important subjects. It is for the government to draft those laws and table it in the parliament for further discussion and exhaustive deliberations by all its members before enacting it fully into the constitution. For example, In India, parliament makes laws on subjects falling in the Union and Concurrent list.
2. Financial Control - In a parliamentary system of governance it is within the powers of a parliament to devise ways for raising revenue so that institutions of government, other public service sectors do not come to a halt and function actively in the course of the development of the country.
3. Providing and exercising control over Cabinet -The Parliament provides the Ministers and holds them responsible to the elected representatives of the people. The Ministers could be Member of either of the two Houses of the Parliament. The actual execution of government policies as decided by the Parliament is carried out by the bureaucracy headed by a Secretary of the Department
4. Critical Assessment of the Work of the Cabinet -Parliament functions as a platform that effectively ensures that the government in power is accountable to the people. One of the many important functions of the parliament is to bring about exhaustive debates and critical assessment of the performance of the government and the departments under its control.
5. Role of opposition -Another in the list of functions of the parliament is that it allows alternative views. Some members are not part of the government and they cater to the needs of their voters which can be disregarded by the government if the opposition doesn’t decide to voice them.
6. An organ of information -In parliament, it is incumbent upon the government to provide information about its functioning to all its members whenever sought. The information provided by the government is considered authoritative even though members are free to dispute it by offering rebuttals.
7. Constitutional Functions - Sometimes a government wishes to amend a provision of law but a government can’t do it on its own. Such a power to amend the constitution is totally within the purview of parliament. Amendments have to be approved by the majority in the houses of parliament.
8. Judicial Functions -Parliament has the exclusive powers to impeach the President and remove judges of the Supreme Court and the High Court’s through a prescribed procedure. Parliament can also punish a person for contempt or defamation of the House.
9. Elective functions.- Elected members of the Rajya Sabha and the Lok Sabha Constitute the Electoral College for the election of the Vice-President. Along with elected members of the State Legislatures they form the Electoral College for election to the office of the President
Hope this information helps you
Best wishes