Do a non keralite can apply for kerala state quota mbbs admission?if so, do we have to seperately in keam?
Yes, a non-Keralite can apply for Kerala state quota MBBS admission. No, there is no separate exam in KEAM for Non-Kerala students which includes OCI (Overseas Citizens of India) and PIO (Persons of Indian Origin) candidates besides other state candidates.
The candidate who is not of Kerala origin but fulfil the following criteria will be categorised into:
1. Non-Keralite category I (NK I ).
Those candidates who have undergone qualifying course in Kerala and who is a son/daughter of a Non-Keralite person belonging to some government sector or in Defence sector posted in Kerala.
Those candidates who have undergone qualifying course in Kerala and who is a son/daughter of a Non-Keralite person is serving or served the government of Kerala for a minimum period of 2 years.
A candidate who is not an origin of Kerala but is a resident of Kerala State for a duration of 5 years within the period of 12 years of study.
A candidate who is not of Kerala origin but has undergone his/her studies in Kerala from Standard 8th to 12th.
Non-Keralite Category I candidates will not be considered for any kind of reservation or any kind of fees concession.
2. Non-Keralite Category II (NK II)
Those candidates who didn’t come under the category of Keralite of in Non-Keralite category- I can be considered as Non-Keralite category-II. Such candidates are eligible for taking admission in government or self-financing Engineering colleges in Kerala. They can either take government seat or management seat for admission.
But Non-Keralite category-II will only be considered in government seats in government-controlled self-financing colleges only when the candidates of Keralite category and the candidates of Non- Keralite category I are not available for admission.
“Non- Keralite category II” is not be eligible for special or communal reservations and also fee concessions.
Hope this helps.