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Hello aspirant,
No, CAT is not necessory to get admission in MBA colleges in India.
But Yes, if you aim for top management colleges in India CAT is best exam to write. It gives you advantage of applying to most top B schools in India.
The selection of entrance exam to write completely depends upon your choice of college. The first thing you should ask to yourself which or what kind of colleges you want to take admission.
If you want to take admission in tier 1 and tier 2 B schools then you must write CAT. But if you want to take admission in tier 3 or so on or some regional/ local college then CAT is not very much required and you can go for MAT, CMAT, state entrance exams etc.
As I always suggest in my previous MBA related answers also ALWAYS DO YOUR MBA FROM SOME TOP/ REPUTED B SCHOOL. MBA is a once in life time degree, you will not keep doing MBA or studies whole life. Persuing MBA from local college will not add much value/ skills in your profile and you will regret it in future.
If you are really serious about your upgrading your career I would suggest you to apply for CAT, XAT, SNAP, NMIMS etc.
Cracking CAT or other famous entance exams are not easy. Start preparing for these asap. I would suggest you to take help of some good coaching institute to chalk out best strategy for your preparation. You can join Career Launcher or any other good coaching of your choice. Do visit few coaching centers for counseling, they will give you more information about it.
Hope it helps you.
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No, we dont have just one entrance exam, there are many, it depends upon which college you want and according to that you have to choose which entrance exam you want to give
i have listed down the entrance exams ;
Thankyou, i hope it helped, feel free to approach for the further queries.
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