Do usict delhi accept category rank like josaa or not?
Hello Student
JosAA joint seat allocation authority which is formed by the ministry of human resource development for regulated control the seat allocation in the government institutions through josaa counselling.
From 2019 onward In University school of information and communication and technology Delhi established by the Delhi government for communication and information technology education 4 + 2 years integrated BTech and Mtech admission in University school of information and communication technology Delhi the merit of JEE mains examination is accepted and for MCA Nimcet merit score is accepted.
USICT, admission in University school of information and communication technology Delhi was done on the basis of all India level of interest is that is IPU set for admission in 4 +2 of BTech and Mtech integrated course.
Now admission in USA City Delhi is taken through JEE main counselling which is conducted by Josaa. So category ranking of Josaa is accepted as the information of previous years counselling for admission in USICT for more information you can click on the website of USICT.
Hello aspirant
hope you are doing well and safe. As per your query , I would glad to inform you that USIT delhi has seat matrix distributed for the following category :
85 percent of the seats are reserved for delhi students
15 percent of the seats are reserved for non-delhi students
In above two categories ,further their are divided into general ,scheduled castes ,obc ,scheduled tribes and economically weaker section
Hope you found this answer informative. Best wishes for your future