does it affects the score if we miss some questions in pte exam ??
Yes, it will definitely affect on your PTE score. If you miss the question, you will loose that point. So we recommend attempt all question.
Hello dear student,
Yes, it will cost you more than answering wrong. As writing from dictation contains more marks (1 mark for every correct answer) and there are approximately 10-12 words in each sentence. There are multiple questions of same type which can itself will give you 30-40 marks. You'll loose the marks if you're skipping such type of questions. In a competitive world every mark counts and loosing 30-40 marks is not at all productive. So attempting all questions should be the aim for better results. I hope this is helpful.
Best Wishes!
Of course if you miss the questions in a competitive exams due to improper time management then obviously they are going to cost you marks. But yes, if it's a question where you aren't confident about the answer, and thus to avoid negative marking, you can skip a question bcoz at the end 0 is better than -1.
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