Does jharkhand state open school is autunomous board?
Answer (1)
Yes, Jharkhand state open school is an autunomous board.
Jharkhand State Open School was envisaged as a comprehensive instructional release institution that offered the autonomy to students to get education without the bottleneck of attending daily classes. We have succeeded in creating a distance education program as a planned extended learning endeavour. JSOS has gained an expertise in delivering instructional possessions and thereby providing opportunities to students located away from the organization.
Yes, Jharkhand state open school is an autunomous board.
Jharkhand State Open School was envisaged as a comprehensive instructional release institution that offered the autonomy to students to get education without the bottleneck of attending daily classes. We have succeeded in creating a distance education program as a planned extended learning endeavour. JSOS has gained an expertise in delivering instructional possessions and thereby providing opportunities to students located away from the organization.