Does metallurgical engineering involve maths
Yes, it involves mathematics.
Math is taught to all engineering students even before their actual syllabus starts. Metallurgical engineers require a very good knowledge of physics, chemistry and physical metallurgy, all of which requires math skills. Mathematics is the foundation of most sciences including thermodynamics.
Dear Nitin, here's the list of subjects that you will be studying in metallurgical engineering -
- Chemistry I
- Engineering Mechanics
- Mathematics I
- Physics I
- Chemistry Lab
- Computer Practice I
- Workshop Practice
- Physics Lab
- Electronics Engineering
- Electrical Engineering
- Mathematics II
- Fuels, Furnaces and Refractories
- Material Science
- Engineering Graphics
- Computer Practice II
- Mathematics III
- Elements of Physical Metallurgy
- Metallurgical Thermodynamics
- Transport Phenomena
- Mineral Benification
- Machine Elements and Machining
- Probability and Statistics
- Phase Transformation and Mechanical Metallurgy
- Mechanical Behaviour and Testing of Materials
- Production of Iron
- Non-Ferrous Extraction Metallurgy
- Corrosion and Surface Engineering
All the best
Hope this helps