Does NID DAT(Prelims) exam include drawing test also?
Hello Tanvi
Design Aptitude Test (DAT) is conducted by National Institute of Design (NID). The test is conducted for candidates who are seeking admissions in Undergraduate Design courses.
It is a National Level entrance exam and is conducted in two stages- Prelims and Mains.
The two staged admission process consist of NID DAT Prelims- Candidates who clear the prelims exam get shotlisted to appear for the Mains exam. The prelims exam is held over various cities of India.
NID DAT Mains- It is the second and the final stage exam for admission. Mains exam is not held over various cities. It is held only at the NID’s campuses in Bengaluru, Ahmedabad and Gandhinagar.
Now, coming to your query about the drawing test. Drawing/Sketching will come in the Mains exam and not in the prelims exam. In the prelims exam, there are two sections of objective type and subjective type questions.
If you are appearing for the exam, you must know the detailed information about the exam pattern and syllabus.
Exam Pattern-
Exam Pattern of both the stages (Prelims and Mains) is different. Exam Pattern is released by National Institute of Design.
Pattern of the Prelims exam.
-Prelims exam will be of 100 marks.
-The exam will be held in Offline mode
-Medium of the exam will be English
-Duration of the exam will be three hours
-Prelims exam will comprise of two parts (Subjective and Objective)
Objective Type Questions- Question No. 1 to 64 will be MCQs and OMR Answer Sheet will be provided separately for marking the answers of these questions. Candidates have to use the Blue/Black ball point pen to mark the answers.
Subjective Type Questions- Three Subjective Type questions will be asked in the exam and a question cum answer booklet and answers must be provided in that booklet only beneath the question.
There is no Negative marking in the exam.
In the prelims exam, questions are asked from the following topics-
Optical Illusion, Lettering, Visual Logic, Presentation Technique, etc.
In the prelims exam, knowledge of candidate is assessed on the basis of certain parameters-
Go through the link below to check the detailed syllabus of the NID DAT exam-
pattern of the Mains exam
@page { margin: 2cm } p { margin-bottom: 0.25cm; line-height: 120% } a:link { so-language: zxx }-Exam will be of total 100 marks
-Medium of language will be English
-Duration of exam will be three hours.
The exam will be in different formats such as
Drawing, Sketching, Hands on Model Making
Go through the link below to check the NID DAT Prelims Test Paper for reference and to have an idea about the types of questions asked in the exam, difficulty level of the exam, etc.
@page { margin: 2cm } p { margin-bottom: 0.25cm; line-height: 120% } a:link { so-language: zxx }
You can also check NID DAT sample papers-
@page { margin: 2cm } p { margin-bottom: 0.25cm; line-height: 120% } a:link { so-language: zxx }
Good Luck!
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