Does NTA total score is our cmat percentile? If not how to calculate the percentile?
Hello aspirant,
I am giving you the formula given by NTA to calculate your percentile -
Percentile P =. 100x Number of candidates appeared in the examination with raw marks equal to or less than the candidate/Total number of candidates appeared.
NTA score is normalised score also percentile, and CMAT score is given out of 400. NTA score is also your percentile.
I hope this helps,
Best of luck.
Every year Common Management Aptitude Test (CMAT) is conducted to admit candidates in various participating B-Schools.
No,the scores and percentile calculation is different for CMAT.
Score Calculation :
- Four marks for each question is awarded
- For each wrong or incorrect answer, one mark will be deducted
- For unanswered questions, no marks will be awarded or deducted
- Total score is calculated by totalling the marks as per questions answered
Percentile Calculation :
Citing the example of Quantitative Ability section to calculate percentile:
Step 1: Calculate CMAT 2021 appearing candidates
Step 2: Mention the rank of the candidate in the QA section to all the candidates who will appear for CMAT 2021.
Step 3: Put the values in the formula given above
Suppose, 10000 candidates will give CMAT 2021 and a candidate will secure 5th rank, His/her CMAT percentile will be calculated as below:
P = 10000-5/10000*100
Hence his/her CMAT percentile 2021 will be 99.95.
To know more about CMAT cut off, score and percentile calculation,colleges visit :
Hope it helps
Thank You !!
The score that NTA provides is the over all percentile. The percentile is a comparative score which is calculated by taking in consideration several factors like the total number of candidates, difficulty levels, etc. It is calculated using the given formula:
Percentile P = 100 x Number of candidates appeared in the examination with raw marks equal to or less than the candidate/Total number of candidates appeared
Along with your score it also gives an idea about your rank and the percentage of candidates who scored more than or less than you.
I hope this helped you.
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