Due to this pandemic. We the students of NCERT BOARD are provided by 40% relaxation in our syllabus .And the board has said that ( You Have To Do 60 Marks From Your Whole Paper ) Now i am afraid about if any student does 70 or 80 marks which 60 marks will they check . please give me the answer
As per your query let me just explain what they want to say by 40% relaxation in the syllabus. It means that you don't have to study those 40% and that would not come for your exams. Now apart from that you have to do 60 marks from the paper so that is just the bare minimum and you don't need to worry as the whole paper would come from syllabus and even if you do 70 or 80 from the paper it is okay to do so as they would check accordingly. In my opinion it is good to do a few extra questions so do not worry.
Hope it helps.
Good luck.
See the scenario and the marking scheme are usually instructed to the teachers who checks the copies. Now usually if any case a student attempt more number of questions than the instructed then the marks are given on the order of attempt.
Suppose a student attempted 6 questions but he was instructed to attempt only 4 then he will get marks based on the first four question. If he do mistakes in the first four question then he will not get any credit if he have done correct solution of the last two answers.
This is the usually scenario although the instructions will be provided by the council and you will get informed by your teachers or via any notice. Don't worry about that.
Have a great eve!