ECE or mechanical engineering? which is better?
Both the branches are good with their industry and type of work.
Electronics and communication Engineering is a branch that deals with both hardware and software part of a system. You will have to study about the subjects like embedded systems, networking, VLSI design, circuits, programming, etc. You can choose the field you want to go into that is hardware or software.
Mechanical engineering deals with analysis, design, manufacturing, and maintenance of mechanical systems. You will have to work with electric generators, internal combustion engines, and steam and gas turbines, as well as power-using machines, such as refrigeration and air-conditioning systems.
In this digital world Electronics and communication Engineering is more in demand than Mechanical Engineering. But both the branches are good at their place.
Choose the field in which you are interested.
Hope this helps
All the best
Mechanical and ECE are two very distinct fields. When it comes to the disciplines that are common to all three fields, mechanical is more closely connected to civil and chemical engineering. You study materials strength, environmental engineering, and structural analysis in civil engineering, and thermodynamics in chemical engineering. In addition, compared to other engineering disciplines, mechanical focuses more on production and management.
When it comes to ECE, it's a combination of Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering, and Information Technology. It entails learning about electronic circuits, digital circuits, and communication engineering (Analog and Digital both). ECE offers a wide range of research subjects, which is very useful if you choose to continue your education after your B.E.
Opportunities for core ECE employment in India are limited unless you get admitted to a higher college. To lend a key position, you must take certain Embedded and VLSI courses after graduation. When it comes to mechanical engineering placement, India has a strong manufacturing infrastructure as well as a strong service industry, which helps to meet the need for mechanical engineers.When compared to mechanical engineering students, those with an ECE or EEE background are more likely to be exposed to computer engineering and programming related topics. ECE and EEE students, as well as CSE and IT students, are included in the placement eligibility list of many software services and product related firms. As a result, these students will have the option to work for a variety of organisations.
But, in the end, it's the interest that counts. Mechanical engineering is a good choice if you want to work in design, thermal engineering, production, quality engineering, or just aren't interested in electronics. ECE is a good choice if you want to work in electronics, programming, data analytics, cyber security, and a few other fields.
Hope it helped
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