entrance test of B. pharmacy in gndu
Admission is based on the merit of thr candidate in the entrance exam to be conducted by the university.
DATE , TIME, AND VENUE of the entrance exam as well as counselling scheduled will be uploaded on the university website , in the due course of time, depending upon the resumption of normal activity in the university after the lockdown perion due covid 19 pandemic . you are requested to check periodically the websites pf GNDU campus www.gnduadmissions.org (//www.gnduadmissions.org) or www.gndu.ac.in (//www.gndu.ac.in) (campus admission portal) and regional campuses at jalandhar www.gndurcjal.in (//www.gndurcjal.in) and gurdaspur www.gndurcgsp.in (//www.gndurcgsp.in) for futher information.