Latest: CAT 2024 IIMs/Non-IIMs MBA GD-PI Call Predictor - Analyze Now
Candidates are short-listed for Group Discussion (GD) and Personal Interview (PI) from among the eligible candidates who have a valid entrance exam score and have applied to the programme of LIBA. The GD-PI process will be conducted at Bengaluru, Hyderabad, Mumbai, New Delhi, Kolkata and Chennai After the GD-PI round, admission offers are made by LIBA to successful candidates. The final selection is based on a diverse set of attributes which includes performance in entrance exam, performance in PI round, academics, Quality of Work Experience among others.
Last date to apply for admission in LIBA is to close on January 10, 2020. To explore admission opportunity in LIBA, Chennai, the candidates need to apply for admission by using and filling up the online application form. LIBA will accept CAT 2019 and XAT 2020 scores, so you can apply with the CAT scores and also XAT scores. Better of the two scores will be considered. The Application fee for admission to PGDM 2020 at LIBA is Rs.1500/- as was last year.
The number of students that can be admitted to the PGDM 2020-22 batch is 180 at LIB the Total Programme fees payable by PGDM students at LIBA is Rs. 15,26,300 last year.t he Fee includes Admission Fee, Tuition Fee, Library Fee, Computer Fee, Alumni Membership Fee, Insurance, Fee for foundation courses, Alumni
Know Your Chances for getting Calls from IIMs & other Top MBA Colleges through CAT Percentile, based on your category, academic profile, work-ex & CAT result.
Eligibility | Application | Exam Pattern | Admit Card | Preparation Tips | Result | Answer Key | Accepting Colleges
Cutoff | Application | Eligibility | Exam Pattern | Admit Card | Result | Answer Key | Accepting Colleges
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