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June 26
Hi Rohit,
India is home to thousands of premier B-schools. They all are either autonomous or public or deemed universities or private or government institutions. For ex. I ndian Institute of Management (IIMs) are autonomous/public B-schools, Indian Institute of Foreign Trade (IIFT) is deemed to be university, Faculty of Management Studies (FMS) , Delhi University is a government B-school and Management Development Institute (MDI) is private B-school. The names mentioned here are the topmost B-schools in India and there are many more.
AICTE or UGC approval is the requirement to start an institute. To study at the best, you would need to appear for national-level MBA entrance exams such as CAT conducted by IIMs for admission to 20 IIMs and 100 other B-schools, XAT conducted by XLRI Bhubaneswar for admission to 11 XLRI member institutes and 150 other B-schools, IIFT conducted IIFT Delhi for admission to IIFT Delhi, Murshidabad and Kakinada, MAT conducted by AIMA for admission to more than 600 B-schools and CMAT conducted by AICTE for admission to more than 1000 B-schools in India.
To know all about these exams, kindly explore the hyperlinks provided in the text. Also, check the list of top MBA colleges in India in 2018. Here is the list:
Top MBA colleges in India in 2018
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Hope that’s helpful. All the best.
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