They say that the only way to improve Mathematics is to practise Mathematics. The same rule applies to Physics as well. Physics needs utmost focus and time because it involves with theoretical concepts and numbers. There should be a systematic approach in preparing for NEET. The important topics are Mechanics, ElectroDynamics, Modern Physics, Heat and Thermodynamics, Optics, Simple Harmonic Motion, Waves. Formulae form an integral part of your preparation. Memorise as many formulae as you can and write them down and stick them as post its so that you can always see them. And yes, working on your Mathematics can help you answer Pjysics section better. Practise regularly and try various kinds of questions. Solving previous papers and mock tests to test your improvement. Keep a clock and check the time its taking you to solve these questions. And improve the time as you practise more. One day of the week should be set aside for revision so as to keep the mind fresh. For reading what the toppers and experts have to say, please visit our page at: