for UR category it is 50% like how. is that theory+practical =50 %or P+C+B=50 % ie(150/300).? what is the meaning of taken together in physcis, chemistry,and biology? I need correct answer.
i hope you are well
the aggregate of PCB marks means you need to calculate the percentage of your three subjects that are physics , chemistry and biology together , let say if you have scored 70 marks in chemistry out of 100 , 60 marks in physics out of 100 and 80 marks in biology out of 100 , then your PCB aggregate will be the sum of total marks obtained in all three subjects that is 210 divided by 300 and multiplied by 100
= [210/300]*100
= 70%
as you have mentioned you have obtained a total of 150 marks out of 300 then your PCB aggregate would be 50 percent.
hope this is clear now!