formula used to calculate cbse 12th results student passed in COVID-19🦠😷 as a example by which we know our actually result as well as percentage.
Hello Narinder,
Hope you are doing well and keeping up with these unprecedented times. Even CBSE is trying its best to evaluate students in an apt manner. In an absence of a uniform written exam, the board came up with the following formula after much deliberation and research.
To calculate marks in the theory component (as a replacement to actual exams)
- 40 percent weightage was assigned to Class 12 internal marks (like unit tests or sectional tests) conducted in this academic year.
- 30 percent weightage was assigned to marks secured in theoretical papers in Class 11.
- 30 percent weightage was assigned based on a working average of total marks in Class 10 theory exams, and the marks scored in the three best scoring subjects out of the five main subjects.
To calculate marks in practical component:
- The actual practical marks will be considered as updated by the respective schools on the CBSE portal.
Hope this was helpful.