From the salary prospective which is best diploma in OT technician or GNM?
From a career prospective if you are not wiling to go for higher education then go for OT Technician. See GNM will be a better course if you go for the UG course at least.
The packages will also become better with time. So if you are wiling to go for an UG course then go for GNM else go for OT technician.
Thank you.
I hope you are doing well.
From a career prospective if you are not wiling to go for higher education then go for OT Technician. See GNM will be a better course if you go for the UG course at least. It has a better prospective both private practice and in hospital setup's as well. But if you want that the Diploma is all you will do then you must go for OT Technician. It will pay you more as per the degree and time investment is concerned. The packages will also become better with time. So if you are wiling to go for an UG course then go for GNM else go for OT technician.
To know more about Diploma in Operation Theatre technology visit the link below:
I hope this answer helps.