Functions of flippers and caudal fin. 3 Each.
Flippers are an evolutionary adaptation that allow aquatic and semi-aquatic animals to swim long distances while using less energy.Flippers are broad and flat limbs that are fully webbed and are used as swimming appendages in the case of aquatic vertebrates. Aquatic animals like whales, dolphins have flippers. The flippers are modified limbs that serve the function of movement. A flipper has bones, cartilage, joints and tendons.
The caudal fin represents a fundamental design feature of vertebrates that predates the origin of jaws and is found in both agnathans and gnathostomes. The caudal fin also represents the most posterior region of the vertebrate axis and is the location where fluid, accelerated by movement of the body anteriorly, is shed into the surrounding medium.The caudal fin, or tail, of a fish is the only fin to be connected to the vertebral column. It is the primary means of locomotion for most fish.