GGU CG bsc entrance exam previous Question paper & any books
Hi Nitish,
The entrance for Guru Ghasidas University's undergraduate program is a bit hard to crack. You'll have to focus on your 11th and 12th subjects. One mark will be awarded for every correct answer and there is no negative marking for incorrect answers.
You can try solving previous year question paper and model question papers to find the parts you are weak in so that you can focus on that to crack your entrance exam. The syllabus for each group are as follows,
- BA (Honors) History, Political Science, Economics/ Bachelor of Social Work, Hindi, English, Journalism &Mass Communication, Anthropology: General Awareness, General Mental Ability, Numerical Ability, Comprehension and subject awareness of the subjects including basic knowledge of plants and animals, environment and its pollution, human body, health, common diseases, population explosion, production of food & raw material, climate & weather, natural resources and elementary knowledge of ancient Indian History, culture, philosophy. The question paper has 100 questions holding a total of 100 marks with an exam duration of 2 hours.
- BA (Honors) Computer Science, Electronics, Maths, Physics, Zoology, Botany, Rural Tech., Biotech. Anthropology, Forensic Science, Chemistry/ B.Pharma./ D.Pharma./ B.Sc. (Forestry): This question paper has two sections. Section 1 has 30 questions from physics and 30 from chemistry. And it is compulsory to attend section 1 completely. And section 2 has 40 questions of Maths/Bio./Agriculture/ Biotech. The candidate can choose one group from 4 provided in section 2. The candidate must choose the same group as filled in the application form, if not he/ she will be disqualified.
- (honors): Accounting and Business, Economics and Money Banking, Mathematics, General Knowledge and Current affairs, Language- English or Hindi. this question paper will have 20 questions each from the above-mentioned topic.
- Integrated BA.-LLB/B. Com.-LLB: Hindi/ English 30 questions (attempt any one), General awareness, General Mental ability, numerical ability, basic knowledge on plants, animals, environment, pollution, the human body, climate, natural resources, and Arts/science/ commerce 30 questions (attempt any one).
All the groups will have 100 questions carrying 100 marks with 2 hours to finish the exam. please follow the following link to go through previous year question papers,
I hope this helps.