Good books for the preparation of KVPY
Also See: JEE Main College Predictor | NEET College Predictor
- Fundamentals of Physics by David Halliday, Robert Resnick, Jearl Walker
- Concept of Physics by DC Pandey
- Mathematics for Class XI by RD Sharma
- NCERT Physical and Organic Chemistry by OP Tandon
- Moderns ABC of Chemistry for Class – XI With CD by Modern Publishers
- Elementary Biology Volume 1 by KN Bhatiya and MP Tyagi
are some of the books you can refer for KVPY 2019. For more information, click on KVPY Books , KVPY Syllabus , How to prepare for KVPY . The KVPY Application Form will release in the first week of July.
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Dear Gunisha,
KVPY is a competitive examination similar to JEE main or NEET. It is conducted by IISc Bangalore in the first week of November. The main purpose of this examination was to find talented students and give them scholarships. The syllabus of KYPY is also very similar to JEE main. This test consists of questions from Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and Mathematics. For a basic understanding of these subjects, students must study NCERT books.
Some important books are as follows:
Physics - Concept of Physics by HC Verma
- Mathematics - Das Gupta
- Biology - Biological Sciences by Taylor Green
- Chemistry - Modern ABC for Chemistry.
It is also very important to solve previous year papers. They will help you a lot in understanding the syllabus and give you an idea of what type of questions are asked. You will find previous year papers on the link below.
Here is the link for the official site:
Hope this helps.
All the best. Thank You.
Kvpy books
A Das Guptha
- Problem in IIT maths
- NCERT books
- Fundamentals of physics
- Concept of physics
- Tata Motors Graw Hills book
- Modern ABC of chemistry
- Organic chemistry -op tandon
- K. N bhatia biology book
These will help you a lot
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