Good IIT or nit (or any other) for mtech in CSE (or related) in 640 score and 1012 rank (in EWS category) Btech RTU 80% Year Score Rank 2022 640 1012 2021 664 1022 2020 671 1014 Please help to find best college possible in current results.
Dear aspirant,
As you have secured 1k rank so let me tell you that it is difficult to get into the top IITs like kharagpur, guhawati, kanpur, roorkee, Madras, gandhinagar, dharwad, bhilai.
Although various factors are considered while deciding the cut offs like number of candidates appearing in the examination number of vacant seats in college, previous years cut offs and difficulty level of the paper.
For more information you can check out the link given below-