Government college of engineering,bargur
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Government College of Engineering, Bargur is a college affiliated with Anna University.
The B.E programmes offered by the college include
M.E programmes offered by it include
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Government College of Engineering, Bargur is a college affiliated with Anna University.
- It has been ranked 7th among 243 colleges which are affiliated with Anna University.
- It located in the Krishnagiri district of Tamil Nadu
- It was established in 1994
- It is an autonomous college
- It is approved by AICTE
- It offers undergraduate and postgraduate programmes in engineering.
The B.E programmes offered by the college include
- Computer Science and Engineering,
- Electronics and Communication,
- Electrical and Electronics Engineering,
- Mechanical Engineering.
M.E programmes offered by it include
- Computer Science and Engineering,
- Applied Electronics and
- Power Electronics Drives.
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