Government girls higher secondary school simga
Hello Aspirant...
Hope you are doing good.
GIRLS HIGHER SECONDARY SCHOOL, GOVT. SIMGA was founded in 1963 and is overseen by the Department of Education. It is situated in an urban area. It is situated in the SIMGA block of Chhattisgarh's BALODABAZAR district. The school has grades ranging from 9 to 12. The school is for girls only and does not have a pre-primary section. The school is of the Non-Ashram type (Government) and does not use the school building as a shift-school. This school's medium of instruction is Hindi. This school is accessible via an all-weather road. The academic year at this school begins in April.
The school is home to the Government Building. It has 0 classrooms for teaching purposes. All of the classrooms are in good working order. It has two additional rooms for non-teaching activities. The Headmaster/Teacher has his or her own room at the school. The school has Pucca, but the boundary wall is broken. The school is wired for electricity. The school's drinking water source is tap water, and it is operational. The school has one functional boys toilet. and a toilet for 5 girls that is functional. There is no playground at the school. The school has a library that houses 1500 books. The school does not require a ramp to allow disabled students access to classrooms. The school has 11 fully functional computers for teaching and learning. The school has a computer-assisted learning lab. The school does not provide a mid-day meal.
Hope this information helps you...
All the best.