Gujcet result is 97.96 and HSc results is 98 percentile. What will be my rank in ACPC
Congratulations for scoring so well in your exams. You've scored too well.
Roughly what I can predict is that your rank would lie near 1000. You have nothing to worry about now, at this rank you'll get the following colleges easily:
- PDPU: Any branch
- Nirma: Any branch except for CSE(You may get it by the last round though)
- Ahmedabad University: Any branch
If you want to go for government colleges:
- LDCE: Any branch except for Computer Engineering( You may get it by the last round)
- DDU(SFI) : Any branch you wish for.
- DDU(GIA): Any branch except for CE(you may get it by the last round)
- MSU: Every brance except for Computer & Chemical