Have 76 marks (81.5 percentile) in Mh-cet , good profile OHU category? Any chances of getting PGDM (Specialization) in We school or Dalmia?
According this score there is less chances for We school or Dalmia. But the other colleges you can apply for Indian Education Society's Management College & Research Centre, Mumbai, Lala Lajpatrai Institute of Management, Mumbai, MAEER's MIT School of Management, Pune etc. You can also check the cutoff with the given below link.
You can also check MH CET MBA college Predictor tool with the given below link.
According this score there is less chances for We school or Dalmia. But the other colleges you can apply for Indian Education Society's Management College & Research Centre, Mumbai, Lala Lajpatrai Institute of Management, Mumbai, MAEER's MIT School of Management, Pune etc. You can also check the cutoff with the given below link.
You can also check MH CET MBA college Predictor tool with the given below link.
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