hbse m patient care optional subject hai in 2021 -22
Hi Gourav!
Board of school education Haryana has released the syllabus for 2021-22 session for XII class. And there is no subject namely: Patient care in the list. However, the subjects in the list are: Accountancy, agriculture, biology, biotechnology, business studies, chemistry, computer science, Dance (kathak), economics, English (core), English (elective), Entrepreneurship, fine arts (theory), Hindi (elective), home science, mathematics, Music melodic, music tabla, music vocal, OSS (English), OSS (stenography Hindi), Punjabi, Philosophy, physics, psychology, sanskrit, sociology, political science, public administration, physical education, hindi core, history, military science, geography and Urdu.
To know more, visit here:
Class XII Reduce syllabus 2021-22 (bseh.org.in) (https://bseh.org.in/class-xii-reduce-syllabus-202122)