hello everyone. please tell how to practice daily gs answer writing with self evaluation ?
You can practice answer writing for GS or even optional for that matter only if your knowledge base is strong enough, for example you cannot write answer about any topic or say government scheme which you're not well acquainted with, the three important parts of answer writing are introduction, body and conclusion, your handwriting should be decent enough to be read, you can start off by referring previous year question papers regarding this, also what helps is go through toppers answer sheets of previous years, even before starting off your answer writing go through topper answers, how they have presented an answer, what are the points included, and in your opinion what you could have added to fetch more marks, you should contemplate on this issue, reading newspapers help a lot during answer writing as you can add more relevant details, present the answer in more holistic manner, there are various programs by INSIGHTS, CivilDaily, GS SCORE, DrishtiIAS to name a few which help regarding this, you may consider checking out their official website to know more details regarding this, as you make your schedule for UPSC then you can make a specific time period for answer writing, and with daily practice it'll improve, don't expect that you'll be able to write a great answer at first, everybody struggle, trust me, this is same for every aspirant, but you have to be persistent in your efforts, that's the only way to excel.