Hello, I got 148/180 in AEEE PHASE-2 (13-06-2021) can I get a seat in CSE branch in Amrita Coimbatore? I am from Andhra Pradesh.
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Congratulations for your good score in AEEE 2021. Now as you have score 148/180 your predicted rank would be around 2000. This is just a predicted rank and not the actual rank. Your actual rank may vary.
Now to get into CSE branch from Amrita Coimbatore you should have a rank of 8000 or below if you have state quota.
As you have mentioned that you are from Andhra Pradesh and seeking for Amrita campus in Coimbatore, you will be getting your seat under open category. So to get into CSE branch from Amrita Coimbatore you should have a rank of 1800 or below.
You have equally likely chances to get CSE in Amrita campus, Coimbatore depending upon your exact rank.
If you don't get CSE, you can try for ECE or other branches based on your preference.
To know about previous year's cutoff ranks kindly visit the link given below:
Hope this helps
All the best
You have got 148 marks out of 180 in AEEE 2021. According to previous years record shows that this marks in good for getting the CSE branch in Amrita Coimbatore.
Good luck
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