hello iam preparing for clat 2020 I have a doubt that someone is said to me that national law institute university (NLIU) has not offering state obc domicile reservations this year if someone has know this please tell
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Hi there,
NLUI, Bhopal takes admission to its 5 year BA.LLB course on the basis of CLAT scores and it has its own seat matrix and seats reserved for students having domicile of Madhya Pradesh i.e. state domicile students.
To answer your question, as per the latest admission brochure which is uploaded by the university, it is offering a total of 07 seats out of a total of 122 seats in its BA.LLB course to MP State OBC students so it is not true that the university is not offering reservation to state domicile OBC students.
You can access the detailed brochure on the provided link for your reference, https://consortiumofnlus.ac.in/clat-2020/nlus/brochure/NLIU.pdf
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