Hello, I'm an mpc student but i dont want to do engineering. My interest has always been in business and administration and i REALLY want to write the CAT exam . How do i prepare for CAT now?
Hello, CAT 2021 is expected to be conducted in November 2021 and the registration will start in the month of august or September 2021.There is three sections and you can either study 2 subjects a day or study 3 subjects every 2 days. For VARC section reading economics, editorial sections in the newspaper will greatly help you.For quantitative aptitude and logical reasoning RS Agarwal books are available for each sections separately. You should work out certain number of questions each day.Start solving previous year question papers and it will help increase your accuracy since there is negative marking for multiple choice questions.Due to this pandemic the time limit and number of questions are reduced to 2 hours but it may increase to the default three hours in the next year,so practice 3 hour question paper itself.start taking mock tests before 4 or 3 months and analyze which section you can improve on.For more information on CAT kindly visit this link https://bschool.careers360.com/exams/cat
Best of luck.
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