Hello Sir, I have Passed 12th in 2019 with 57.40 Percentage in RBSE. I want to Prepare AIIMS 2021. I'm belong to OBC Category. So Can I Do ?
Being an OBC candidate, you should secure minimum 60 (english+physics+chemistry+biology) in class 12th for appearing in AIIMS 2021 as this is under eligibilty criteria. But, unfortunately with 57.40 %(not sure its total % or combined of above mentioned subjects), you'll not be able to appear AIIMS 2021.
Though, you have one way to correct this situation by applying for RBSE Improvement Exam for which you must visit the rbse website regularly and can also consult with your school authority.
For preparation for AIIMS 2021, you may go through topics and pattern given on their website
Hope this helps you.
I would like to present a chart of the chapters priority-wise that can probably help you in covering as many a topic as possible, beginning from the most important chapters to the least important ones along with how you can prepare for AIIMS MBBS entrance examination:-
I have only provided the name of the chapter with maximum importance in each of the subjects as the other topics are not of much importance and the questions appearing from these chapters will be quite easy:-
The following chapters constitute 25% of total questions asked(in Biology)
Living World,Biological classification,Plant Kingdom,Morphology of plants,Anatomy of plants
The following chapters constitute 30% of total questions asked:-
Transport in Plants, Mineral Nutrition, Photosynthesis, Respiration, Plant Growth and Development,Digestion, Respiration, Body fluids and Circulation, Excretion, Locomotion and movement, and Nervous system and the Endocrine system
Ecology constitutes about 10% of the total questions.
The remaining questions from genetics,Biotechnology etc will be fairly easy and hence can be given the least priority
The following chapters constitute 25% of the total questions in Physics:-
Units and Measurements, Motion in a straight line and in a plane, Work,Energy & power, System of particles and rotational motion, Gravitation, Fluid statics
The following chapters constitute 30% of the total questions:-
Waves and oscillations, Electric charges and field, Electrostatic potential and capacitance, current electricity
The following chapters constitute 20% of the total questions:-
Dual Nature of matter, Atoms and nuclei, Semiconductor electronics, Thermodynamics
The remaining chapters such as optics, magnetism etc will have fairly easy questions and can be given the least priority
Class XI physical chemistry chapters constitute 25% of the total questions(such as Some basic concepts of chemistry, States of matter etc)
Class XII physical chemistry chapters constitute 15% of the total questions(such as Redox reactions, Solid state, solutions etc)
Class XI Organic chemistry chapters constitute 5% of the total questions(such as Hydrocarbons, Environmental Chemistry etc)
Class XII Organic chemistry chapters constitute 25% of total questions(such as Haloalkanes and haloarenes, Biomolecules etc)
Class XI inorganic chemistry constitutes 10% of total questions(such as Hydrogen, s-block elements etc)
Class XII inorganic chemistry constitutes 20% of the total questons(such as Metallurgy, d & f - block elements etc)
For Chemistry I suggest that you perfect yourself with class 12 chapters and then move to class XI chapters according to the priority table given above as maximum questions usually appear from class XII syllabus.
Begin revising and first perfecting yourself with the NCERT as basics are a must. Just as you complete the NCERT. Having completed both the NCERT opt any popular reference material(such as Arihant,GRB etc-though I would suggest GRB) and begin solving only the MCQs. Do not waste your time reading additional content from these books as they can be learnt just by solving MCQs.
Hope you find it helpful
feel free to ask in the comment box if you are having any further doubt
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