Hey...I want to opt for automobile design after 12th ...my aim is NID.....so is it ok to go for PG course directly?
Is your question is about directly go for PG course without any UG.
Then it is not possible to directly jump to post graduation without any degree.
You should undergo through graduation for going for further post graduation.
You said you want to do NID.
You even have NID ug courses which you can go and then jump to NID masters.
Hope I cleared your question.If not please ask for further information.
Thank you

I was searching up about some colleges other than NID and it just confused me. Appreciate the help
Automobile Designing is a highly rewarding career in the present time. In order to get in to a job in automobile designing, you must pursue bachelor degree in automobile engineering or other equivalent courses. You must pass engineering entrance test to get in to the course. The job of automobile designing basically comprises the design of whole or part of automobiles. The design is carried out with the help of specialized software tools. The job offers adequate career growth along with lucrative salary packages.