Hi i did mtech but i applied under btech for aplawcet n i got seat in university now i dnt hv my ug original tc wat i hv to do now
Answer (1)
Hello Dear
Inorder to apply for the M.Tech for the respective University you need to have the original documents of your UG Degree like TC , Last Semester Marksheet etc. In the original form because these all are the primary documents which you need it whenever you applied to any other college. So regarding your TC if you're not having it's original copy them you should go and ask with the management of your respective college from where you have done your UG. They will definitely help you in this.
All the best
Inorder to apply for the M.Tech for the respective University you need to have the original documents of your UG Degree like TC , Last Semester Marksheet etc. In the original form because these all are the primary documents which you need it whenever you applied to any other college. So regarding your TC if you're not having it's original copy them you should go and ask with the management of your respective college from where you have done your UG. They will definitely help you in this.
All the best

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