Hi i got an ranking of 50885 in kcet, can i able to get admission in Acharya institute of technology for aeronautical engineering
Hi Karthik.
Considering your category to be General , unfortunately , you have less chances of getting a seat in Aeronautical branch of Acharya Institute of Technology . However, you may get these mentioned branches there:
- Electrical and Electronics
- Civil
- Mechatronics
- Mining
- Mechanical
- Automobile
For expert guidance from Careers360 , refer here, https://www.careers360.com/btech-companion/order-summary?icn=companion_order_summary&ici=companion_btech_dashboard
- Hope this helps. Thanks .
[Note: These are predictions from previous years' data. This year's cutoffs have not been released yet.]
[Cutoffs and ranks depend on various factors like:
- Number of Candidates.
- Performance in exam.
- Difficulty of exam.]