HI Iam scoring 550 average marks in Akash and Allen test series . what score I shall expect in neet ug with this performance
Your marks in test series can't actually predict what marks you'll get in actual exam but surely you are doing hard work and getting results as well
In actual exam time , a candidate faces a lot of pressure as well as it depends on the standard of the exam that how tough or easy it is.
The only best thing you can do to increase the chances of getting higher marks is by doing careful analysis of the areas in which you are lacking and give more importance to topics having higher weightage
You can top up your preparation through these links https://learn.careers360.com/medical/neet-preparation-material/
Dear aspirant
We can't say anything about the exact score what you will get because no one knows what will be main Neet question paper.
Although if you are scoring 550+ marks on regular basis then you have great chance of scoring 10-20 marks more than these if you didn't get nervous and panicked. Although it will depend on the quality of question paper and how you perform for that 3hr of neet exam.
So if you are getting this much carry the same confidence to the exam hall and you will definitely will able to score somewhat higher.
You can check previous year cut off ranks and marks for different college of gujrat,the link is below
You can take help of our neet test series also it's very helpful. As you are in last few days of preparation you should practice as much you can
Link is below
All the best & study well !!!
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