Hi Sir my Name is A IMTHIYAJ please help me to fill a identification marks in ssc form
Hi sir my name is Suraj please help me fill a identification mark
What is the identification marks
Hi sir my name is deep saha please help me to fill a indentation marks in ssc from
Hi Imtiyaz.
Identification marks includes marks such as birthmarks, moles and scars. Identification marks are person to person of an individual and can be used for identification.
As far as SSC form is concerned, then you are supposed to enter the identification mark on your body which will distinguish you from others. It's not mandatory fill in this column if you don't have any identification marks. If you don't have any mark, then tap on the "NONE" option.
But, everyone has moles on their bodies, so you can enter those. That would be sufficient.
If you need any further help in filling your SSC form, then you can refer to the article I'm sharing.
Link: https://competition.careers360.com/articles/ssc-chsl-application-form
I hope it helps. If you still have any doubts or queries, then feel free to ask. We will try our best to help you.
Thank You and All the Best for your future.