Hi there, i during my nmat by gmac exam in online proctored mode was denied to take exam during pre-exam verification,so before even starting exam due to network inability i was told to reschedule exam. will my retake be considered for nmims in such case?
Hello student
hope you are doing great. As per your query I would like to tell you that you need to calm first and chill . Denial of exam due to network ability was completely not your mistake and it is quite obvious you dont have to pay for it and if you have been informed by authorities that you exam will be rescheduled then it is quite obvious that your score will also be considered , so yes you should go for reexam
Hope you found this answer helpful. Good luck for your future
Examity says that if you've been assigned a proctor that means exam has been conducted,however as i mentioned during pre exam verification itself i was being told to reschedule. Now the point is rescheduling for same exam is not possible retake (i.e going for second attempt) is the option.
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