Hi there I want to persue Robotics field bcoz I like robotics stuff, also I am interested in PCB's, Arduino based projects and automation projects, but idk which field id better for me. Someone says go with core branch (Mechanical or Electrical), some says ICT or EC Can you please guide abt field
Hi Aspirant,
You can directly go for Robotics and Automation Engineering rather than pursuing any other streams of Engineering. As you have mentioned about your interests , those all are included in Robotics and Automation Engineering as the course subjects includes: Computational Geometry ,Computer-aided Manufacturing, Automation, Biocybernetics, Digital Electronics And Microprocessors, Design And Control, Robot Manipulators, Artificial Intelligence, Signal Processing, Robot Motion Planning, Computer Integrated Manufacturing System, etc.
Refer the link below to access some more information regarding Robotics and Automation courses,
Hope this is resourceful.
All the Best!!!
You said that you like robotics stuffs, Arduino ,PCBs, etc. So if you have only interests in Arduino related stuffs then go for EC , if you have interest in designing related stuffs then go for ME but if want all of it from designing a robot to using Arduino and then automation ,AI and lot many, then it's better to go for Robotics and Automation Engineering rather than any other course. The course itself says its all about Robotics.