Hi... When is the first cut-off going to be declared for DU LLM? What are the chances for getting a seat with rank 33 and 238 marks?
Answer (1)
Hello Aishwarya !!
DU LLM was supposed to release the cut off by last week of June. It is not available as the list has not been released officially.
You have not mentioned your category. Nevertheless, last year the cut off rank for SC , ST , OBC was 75,86,55 respectively in the first round . The cut off of general category was 33 with a score of 172 in the second round .
With your rank , you can get a seta easily this year.
For more information please refer -
All the best.
Hope this helps .
DU LLM was supposed to release the cut off by last week of June. It is not available as the list has not been released officially.
You have not mentioned your category. Nevertheless, last year the cut off rank for SC , ST , OBC was 75,86,55 respectively in the first round . The cut off of general category was 33 with a score of 172 in the second round .
With your rank , you can get a seta easily this year.
For more information please refer -
All the best.
Hope this helps .
Comments (4)
Hi Subhojit !!Thanks for the quick reply. I'm a general category candidate. But the seats for general category is 30 right, if I'm not wrong?
Think about it.
It is not necessary that all the top 30 student will be from general category.Also if top 30 are form general category, everyone will not take admission.Therefore, you have good chances.
Further the cut offs have gone higher than 33 in 2018 , in further rounds.
It is not necessary that all the top 30 student will be from general category.Also if top 30 are form general category, everyone will not take admission.Therefore, you have good chances.
Further the cut offs have gone higher than 33 in 2018 , in further rounds.
Oh yes. Rightly said. Let me wait for the cutoffs then.
Wishing you best of luck.
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