Hii friends I want to know that which is the best entrance exam for MBA... Except CAT...?????
Hi Adi,
Well CAT is probably the best entrance exam for MBA, as it is accepted in almost all the colleges in India.
But if want to know:
- XAT .
- SNAP .
- NMAT .
- IIFT .
- CET .
- CMAT .
- MAT .
Hope this helped you

U need Entrance Exam which is Legalised by the Government. Today, many top-notch B-Schools like IIMs, FMS, Xavier in India offer specialisation in different disciplines of business management. The Top 50 B-Schools in India not only offer superlative education and learning, but also attract recruiters offering best packages in India. These B-Schools either affiliate themselves to a common national level MBA entrance exams likeXAT, IIFT, SNAP, CMAT, ATMA, NMAT by GMAC or take their own exams (IBSAT, MICAT).
Hello Adi,
Well, the best entrance exam for MBA beside CAT name are as follows: MAT, XAT these are some national level exam including CAT. And with some state level exam includes ICET, KMAT, TANCET etc.
These are some of the entrance exams. You can apply for any of the above entrance exams.
Hope this will help you. All the very best.
There is no concept of best MBA exam.
However widely accepted exam is MAT which is for more than 600 Bschools.
Second widely accepted is CMaT which is nationwide accepted exam.
For international collges, GMAT is most acceptable across more than 1000 Universities acrooss globe.
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