How and when to apply in GL Bajaj for MBA, after upsee exam or now ?
GL Bajaj Institute of Management and Research (GLBIMR) offers PGDM in 6 different specializations for the duration of two years. Aspiring candidates must hold a Bachelor’s degree in any discipline under 10+2+3 pattern with a minimum of 50% marks in aggregate.
The candidates meeting the eligibility criteria will have to qualify in any of the recognized Aptitude Tests such as CAT, MAT , CMAT, XAT or ATMA. The shortlisted candidates will have to appear for a Group Discussion round followed by Personal Interview. Final admission is not only based on performance in GD and PI followed by previous academic record and relevant work experience.
so if you can prepare dor any of these entrance exam with upsee you can give it now or else you should give your best in UPSEE and then work on these exams which ever way suits you the best !
hope this helps you !
all the best !

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