how are practicals conducted for 2nd year students .( not cbse) for ts boards .
Practical examination for Telangana State Board Intermediate Education will be conducted from April 7, 2021 to April 20, 2021. The schedule is same for all state government and private intermediate colleges. The practical examination will be either conducted in the same college in which you are studying or in a different college. You can know the examination center which will be given the hall ticket. The practical examination is conducted for 60 marks for each subject. You need to write the records and complete it and get it signed by the concerned authorities. On the day of the examination you will have to submit the record books. Weightage is also given for record books. You need to perform the experiment that you are given, write the objectives, aim, apparatus used, procedure, do the calculations if any, drawings, graphical representation of results and write the final results. Viva voce will be conducted by the external examiner. Marks will be awarded for conduct of experiment, record books, writing part and viva voce.