How can I get free seat in CMC vellore for mbbs, How much I need to prepare?
How can I get free seat in CMC vellore for MBBS,then how much mark I want to score in NEET exam for the free seat .
CMC Vellore has 12 seats under general(open) category.
In the year 2018, first of the twelve seats was alloted to a student with 656 marks in NEET( AIR 4)and the 12th seat was alloted to student with 595 marks(AIR 49).
So it is clear that the cutoff remains quite high. So you need to be really prepared for achieving such high marks.
Rest of the seats come under management quota.
All the best!
Tuition fee - 3000/-
One time college fee at admission - 8800/-
Other annual fee - 15,105/-
One time payment to university - 13, 425/-
Hostel fee - Men - 10,000/-
-Women - 6,000/-
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