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Hi Kesha
Devising a proper preparation strategy on how to prepare for CAT 2018 is important as it can make or mar your performance on the day of the Common Admission Test . Here are some pointers to help you on how to prepare for CAT:
#Take mock tests in an online environment
You must take computer-based mock CAT so that you are familiar with the actual test environment. Taking the mock CAT in a real environment will make you completely prepare for CAT 2018 and save any wastage of time on understanding the mode of test. You can also join CAT test series to take a few mock CAT online. Also, you must re-visit previous year CAT sample paper and solve it to have an actual feel of the test. Putting yourself in the actual testing environment will help you to take CAT on the test centre on your D-day
#Analysis is must
After every CAT mock test , you must analyse your performance and evaluate your scoring areas based on CAT exam pattern . Do not get demotivated with a low score and don’t become overly confident when you score high. The key to success in CAT is perseverance and not hard, but smart work.
In order to prepare for CAT 2018, you also must go through the explanation of answers and see whether you already knew the core concept for solving each question.
#Focus on strength
In order to know how to prepare for CAT 2018, it is of utmost importance to identify your strengths and weaknesses. Going by your own evaluation, you must focus on your strong areas and build on the same.
#Practice a lot
CAT Experts suggest that you must practice a lot so that you can make an instant connect with the question during your CAT exam day. Regular practice with a scheduled stretch will not only help increase your question-solving speed but also make you habituated to sit for three hours.
#Set target but be open to the number of attempts
CAT 2018 pattern is expected to be same as last year. Hence candidates should target minimum and maximum number of questions that you will be attempting during CAT 2018. But experts suggest that you should be open on this number during your actual test in order to crack CAT 2018. Though around 20 questions in each the sections can take you to around 98 or 99 percentile in CAT, you should not relax despite reaching your target as last few attempts can bring you much advantageous edge over competitors.
Hi Kesha,
You can start preparing for CAT 2018 by solving previous year question papers or mock test papers to check the current level of your preparation. Once you know which areas you need to work on, you can strategies your preparation accordingly. It would be a good idea if you start giving mock tests at least once a week to analyse your performance. Analysing mock tests will allow you to know your strong and weak areas. To get the best results, get your mock test papers analysed by a professional. I’m sharing some links which will help you strategies your preparation.
How to prepare for CAT 2018 in 4 months
Sectional Time Management Tips for CAT 2018
Best Books for CAT Preparation
For more information about CAT preparation, visit
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Hope the information provided is helpful. All the best.
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