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Admission Alert: B.Tech @ Woxsen University
There isa separate admission procedure for students from states other than Tamil Nadu(TN). There will be an open advertisement in newspapers maybe not all over India)or you can constantly check the Anna University website Home - Anna University where the admission notices start to display from March/April for the consequent year.
You can apply online through the web portals once they are made available.
Selection is mainly through single-window counseling system based on your High school(i.e. 12thor-or juniorclogg according to your state)marks when studying under 10+2 system in India. They see your PCM mark aggregate(generally called CUT-OFF mark in TN) out of 2 00 with having
Physics- 25%
Chemistry- 25% &
Math- 50%
They are ranked based upon the cut-off marks and called for counseling mostly at JULY based upon their ranks mostly through intimation in Website may be mail). Around 150 seats reserved for other state Quota students distributed across CEG, MIT, AC, and SAP( they are collectively called as university departments).
Based on merit and as per first come first serve basis they can choose their preferred course from the available at their time/slot of counseling.
CounselingVenueue : College of Engineering Guindy(CE), Anna University, Chennai-600025.
Slot, Time and Date will vary based on your position in the merit list.
After applying please visit the website for more information and there will be constant updates which they may not send through mail or letter.
Almost all the Pre -processes ONLINE.
Welcome to study in CEG !!!
This answer is copied from my previous answer in the link below
Rishwanth Darun A S's answer to What is the procedure for admission to colleges of Anna University for out of state students?
Update 1:
Application details for the year 2017 have been given in the link below.
Update 2:
From 2018, all the counseling process is done ONLINE only based on your wish list of the colleges and later date will be given for verification of the documents
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