How can prepare jee mains without coaching
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HI Gopal!! You can definitely prepare for jee mains without coaching, just follow some of the tips:-
- For physics and chemistry,focus more on the theory rather than solving questions blatantly.
- for maths, it is just the opposite, more and more practise will make you comfortable with different types of questions.
- make sure you check your accuracy, strengths and weaknesses via mock tests
- always focus on solving correct rather than solving more and more questions
- never ever feel panicked when you are unable to solve 3-4 questions in a row.
- your strongest subject should be the best, but your weakest subject should never ever be worst, always keep this in mind.
Have a nice day and best of luck for preparations!!
Hello Gopal
Only few days are left for the JEE Main exam and it is practically not possible to complete the whole syllabus of JEE Mains till the April exam. You can practice mock tests and previous year question papers. It will help you to know about the exam pattern and difficulty level of the exam.
You must work smartly to secure a good percentile in the exam.
Use the JEE Main Rank Booster for preparation-
Good Luck!
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Try NowHi Gopal
You can definitely crack IIT without coaching.In starting you face some problems.It seem to be difficult but it is not If you have the dedication to crack . Firstly start with basic level books
For Mathematics - Rd Sharma Objective Mathematics
For physics -Hc Verma it is very good .This books helps you to strong your concepts
For Chemistry -1 organic chemistry cengage organic chemistry
For Inorganic chemistry- do ncert
For physical chemistry O.P. tandon
After this you can do previous year questions
For this you can use career 360 ebooks linhere is the link
There are lot of free sources available which is very useful . Like There is YouTube channel name MATH ON GO which will provide free online coaching to students . If u not take any coaching classes then I would suggest you to take test series of any coaching classes which will give you an idea where will you stand how much you prepare
All the best If this helps you Give your feedback
Without coaching.., you can do good if you have will to do and workout., but you need to take more suggestions and plan your schedule properly.
You have to cover all the topics and need to take tests to build your self.
Grand tests should be taken periodically.
Don't depresse if you don't get the expected output, just go on doing as much as you can.
In the beginning you may face some difficulties, you have to be strong and have to overcome that.
Reffer good books because books play an key role in preparation.
Thank you
For any other suggestion please do comment.