How did i score 400+ marks in neet???(i am aiming for BAMS seat)
Know the syllabus of the examination well
NEET syllabusis as vast as an ocean, and you need to know the exact location to fish the best output. Cut down on extra information and focus on important topics. Since we know NEET exam covers NCERT syllabus as well, you can compare the syllabus with your Board exam syllabus. It is beneficial for you if there are common chapters as you will not need to prepare them separately. This will give you ample time to concentrate on the parts of the syllabus that are not covered.
Important Focus Areas for NEET 2018 are:
Physics Mechanics, Optics, Thermodynamics and Nuclear Physics
Chemistry Mole Concept, General Organic Chemistry, Periodic Table, Chemical Bonding, Coordination Chemistry
Biology-Ecology and Environment, Genetics, Cell Biology; Morphology, Reproduction and Physiology of Plants and Animals; Basics of Biotechnology
Good study material
Yes, thats the most important element! While selecting theright study material for NEETis little confusing, with the help of teachers and online expert assistance, you can choose the right one. You can consult NEET toppers and see which book they referred. Of course, they wont be reachable for all of you. So, you can read NEET topper interviews and try to get an idea about their preparation style. You should prepare study notes for NEET, solve previous years question papers and take mock tests to improve your speed and accuracy.
Come up with an effective study plan
Time is priceless. We all know this, yet many aspirants fail to make the proper use of time and take a nosedive. Goal setting can be used as a strategy to help aspirants bring positive changes into their lives. In order to implement the setting of a goal, make sure to ask oneself some questions: What is my goal? Is my goal realistic? How much effort has to be put in to fulfill my goal? Until and unless you make a complete and thorough schedule of the way you want to study, you will not be able to complete the syllabus. Plan for the week in advance and figure out chapters that you need to prepare from the beginning.
Work on weaker areas
It is possible that you are very strong in one subject and weak in the other. Do not get discouraged by the same. Try and work hard more on the weaker areas to strengthen them. If required, take help from a friend or senior or take extra classes for the subject. It will help in overcoming the fear of your weakness effectively.
Practice mock test papers
One of the greatest challenges of the NEET examination is the time limitation. Students have to finish 180 questions in 180 minutes (3 hours). It means they can give a maximum of 1 minute per question. Time management is a mandatory skill that is required for this exam. While practicing at home, make sure that you keep the time limitation in mind. see complete solution ofNEET previous year question paper; focus on the frequently asked questions, topics and pattern.
Regular Study Breaks
We are humans and not machines. So, we require timely rest as, after all, even machines need some rest to get back to working efficiently. Hence, it is essential to realize that one cant maintain an optimum level of concentration without taking an optimum break to recover. But beware that you dont bring the breaks on a higher priority than studies. Breaks can be in the form of a ten-minute walk, a trip to the gym, having a chat with a friend or simply taking a small nap.
Use New Technologies
There are many people who study by highlighting in the textbooks and making notes with a pen on a scrap of paper. These methods still find their place and importance, but there are countless options for personalising study than ever before. Be it through online tools, social media, blogs, videos or mobile apps, learning has become easy, interesting and user-centred today. If you wish to try a new learning technology, thenToppris a great place to learn.
Do not fall for guesswork
Many candidates have the tendency of taking the guesswork route for solving questions they dont know. However, it might prove risky in this case as there is negative marking for a wrong answer. It is recommended to leave a question completely if you do not know the right answer. This is one of the most important tips to crack NEET 2018 that anyone can give!
Health is everything
Its crucial to evaluate yourself bothphysically and mentally. Instead of complaining I never get enough sleep or Im eating too much convenience food, take control and plan for bringing in the balance. This will help you to be happier and more productive. Avoid junk and oily foods and switch to healthy diet plans. Do meditation and yoga exercises for better concentration. All these tips to crack NEET 2018 would be useless without this one factor!
Positivity is imperative
Your attitude decides the effectiveness of the learning process. If you possess a negative approach and keep saying that you cant do it, then this wont commit to the idea of learning. A grumbling approach will only make things difficult. The moment you start thinking positively, your brain will show greater activity. A right frame of mind also makes you feel less anxious and more open to new ideas.
All the Best!!

Since there are only a few days remaining for your Examination, I would suggest you to go through all that you have already studied. Revise and Relearn those concepts. Focus on Biology: the minor details, figures, tables, and diagrams. For chemistry and Physics, solve numericals. Pay attention to topics that have most weightage.
Solve previous year's Questions and practice daily from now on. You can definitely score well! Study well!
Since the time is less just study the notes and the materials you have. You can't study everything. So better concentrate on important things... That will be enough
Study more time and with no distraction.

All the best

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