How do I prepare for the NPAT (NMIMS)?
Hello aspirant,
I hope that you are doing great.
if you want to prepare for NPAT NMIMS exam, then below I have listed some tips and Strategy to crack your exam paper very easily, followed by toppers :
Quantitative and Numerical Abilities :
To solve questions in this section, it is important to memorise various mathematical formulas. Questions will be from Percentage, Profit and Loss, Discount, Compound Interest & Annuities, Ration and Proportions, Basic Algebraic Identities, Equations- Linear, Measures of Dispersion, Mean, Mode, Identities, Heights, and other important topics.
Reasoning and general Intelligence :
In this section, in order to solve questions that are based on critical thinking, test takers should try to analyse the roles and conditions and based on it, solve the questions. For questions related to problem solving, try to analyse the information and assimilate them in a suitable form to answer those questions.
Proficiency in English Language :
In this section, test takers need to recognise grammatical structure and usage, use prepositions, determiners, connectives, tenses appropriately. Grasping the meaning of underlined words in sentences, using appropriate words in given context, put ideas into logical sequences by putting the jumbled sentences in correct order. In order to solve questions from the reading comprehension section.
further, for more information about the NPAT NMIMS exaM YOU CAN CHECK THE BELOW LINK :
I hope that this will help.
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