How do I start gate preparation from 2nd year of BTech EEE course ?
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In EEE, Electrical machines are one of the important subjects, which must be considered for obtaining good score. The student should have good knowledge of transformers DC machines, motors, synchronous machines, etc., and must solve more number of problems. More number of problems will be there in this subject and by solving them with confidence, will surely give a great success. The standard textbooks can be used for basic concepts and problems which include
a) Electrical Machines, R.K. Rajput
Electric Circuits and Fields is another subject which requires maximum concentration and will have more weightage in the exam. It mainly deals with network theorems, nodal and mesh analysis, Laplace transforms, 2 port networks, steady state analysis, etc. It is another subject with more number of problems in each topic. One should practice more number of problems from the standard textbooks and previous GATE papers for success. Few textbooks for this subject are mentioned below:
a) Network Analysis, M.E.Van Valkenburg
b) Engineering Circuit Analysis: William H. Hayt & Jack E. Kemmerly
Control Systems is another important subject that finds more priority in GATE exam. The students should learn about feedback systems, signal flow graphs, Routh-Hurwitz criterion, Bode and Nyquist plots, PID control, etc., to get good score. Most of the EEE students will concentrate less on this subject by thinking tough; but by practicing one can get good grip on the subject. The students can get good concepts and finds number of problems from the textbooks like
a) Control Systems Engineering, I. J. Nagrath and M. Gopal
b) Automatic Control Systems, B. C. Kuo and G. Farid
Out of all the subjects, the above mentioned subjects will require more attention and a student can gain good score if he/she is able to the solve the questions in these subjects in addition to the remaining subjects. Power electronics and drives is another important subject which deals with the power devices triac, thyristors, ac and dc drives, etc., and by having a good knowledge one can do better in the exam.
The textbooks which are helpful are mentioned below:
a) Electronic Devices & Circuits, Jacob Millman & Christos C. Halkias
b) Integrated Electronics, Jacob Millman & Christos C. Halkias
c) Modern Digital Electronics, R. P. Jain
d) Microprocessor Architecture, Programming and Applications with the 8085, Ramesh Goankar
i) Power Electronics And Motor Drives: Advances and Trends, Bimal K. Bose By preparing in a well planned manner and solving the previous papers, the students can get good score in GATE exam
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